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photos & quotes

Daria: Could anybody tell me 2 thinks.. 1. How can I put photos from Internet?? "Normal" [img]address[/img] doesnt work.. 2. How can I use quotes of somebody's post? when Ive pressed "citata" I had some strange communicate that I should press right mouse button - but where??

Ответов - 13

Olovo: Upload photos can be using the program http://www.radikal.ru/,but it does not work now for some reason///

Olovo: To insert a quote, you must select it with left mouse button and click "цитата"

Daria: Olovo I would like tu put photos which are ALREADY in Internet.. I don't have to upload them.. and about quotes - when I press left mouse button on "цитата" the new window appears with msg: "Для вставки цитаты необходимо выделить нужное мышью" I dont know maybe this forum doesnt like my Opera and Firefox which I use or maybe the problem is the settings which are in English?? Is there any administrator of the forum?

Olovo: Daria пишет: "Для вставки цитаты необходимо выделить нужное мышью" It is select it with left mouse button .And click "цитата"! Daria пишет: Olovo I would like tu put photos which are ALREADY in Internet.. I don't have to upload them.. Ok,wait instructions!

Daria: Olovo пишет: It is select it with left mouse button .And click "цитата"! ooooo amazing ;) I havent known that I had to select TEXT and then press "citata".. I havent seen such solution anywhere else

Olovo: Daria пишет: to select TEXT So what a problem was in! As Russians talk, here where a dog is buried!

Daria: amazing.. even photos start working.. I dont know where was my mind yesterday when I tried to post them.. or I could imagine that my mind was with all news from world.. and Poland..

Olovo: Daria super! But where missing your Auto signature?

Push: Пёс меня раздери, чувствую себя двоечником... Olovo прокомментируйте, пожалуйста!

Olovo: Push пишет: Пёс меня раздери, чувствую себя двоечником... Olovo прокомментируйте, пожалуйста! Комментирую:Когда Ленин призывал учиться ,учиться,еще раз учиться,-это он не ручку расписывал,это он наказ давал!

Olovo: У Дарьи не получалось вставить фотки и цитаты.Кстати,у Дарьи Акита-Чемпион Мира


Ирина: Olovo пишет: у Дарьи Акита-Чемпион Мира А мы знаем. Daria умница !Разобралась.

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